Aug 25, 2008

Here's to You, Disgusting White Crust on the Milk Jug

Here's to you, disgusting white crust on the milk jug. You're always there to flake off and gross me out on the rare occasion I open your container. Sure, I don't drink as much milk as a growing boy probably should. Is that enough reason to hate on me?

Take last night, for instance. Right after my mother prepared a deliciously chewy batch of brownies, I decided to wash them down with a nice cold glass of milk. After my first swig, there you were, floating around my mouth like a loose fingernail. I'm trying to drink milk, not eat soup in a Mexican restaurant.

This is hydration, not a Head and Shoulders commercial. So quit layering the top of my chocolate milk like curd at a dairy farm.


Anonymous said...

Wait, you're still a growing boy?

Your 24 dude. You've been out of college for 2 years now. Just because you still get pimples doesn't mean you're still a "growing boy" - sorry.

- ydyxq

sides said...

i disagree...i'm fillin out

Anonymous said...

my mom thinks hes fillin out too